About Makerz

Welcome to Makerz - your stepping stone to digital success. We are a dedicated team of digital experts who transform your social media into powerful sales channels. Our core focus? Creating engaging stories, online solutions and tailored ads that not only spark interest, but also drive traffic and sales.

Why choose us?

We start with a dialogue, not a sales pitch. Our approach is personal, our strategies are tailored and our goal is your growth. Everything from Paid Social to Google Ads, Email Marketing and making sure your webshop is conversion-optimized. We ensure a cohesive brand experience that turns interaction into action.

Let us take your business to new heights.

Contact us today for a free chat about your potential pathways to success.

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Our results are built on many years of experience

Our passion for brands is deeply rooted and extends beyond our professional lives...

+ 200K

Members of fashion driven Facebook groups

In Denmark, you need to be 18 to get a CVR number, but only 13 to create a Facebook group. In 2012, Marius established several fashion groups on Facebook, which later grew to have over 200,000 members.


Years later

Through our work with different brands, we discovered that the best results came when passion was combined with execution. This was the start of a more focused Makerz, which today focuses exclusively on growing brands in the fashion, lifestyle and home categories.


Brands later

We embody an unparalleled passion for fashion and lifestyle brands, honed over a decade of dedicated experience. As a result,
we have created what we call 'The winning playbook', which is the foundation for all the ecommerce brands we grow. Throughout all our lives, we have followed, built and promoted the industry. The only difference now, is that we get paid for what we love to do.

Why should you choose Makerz?

Word-of-mouth recommendations

Our existence rests on strong cases and we carefully select our partners. Our first contact is not just a sales dialog; it's a conversation to determine if we are the perfect match.

The ideal Ecommerce marketing growth partner

We understand that success in e-commerce is not just about launching ads. We recognize the complex balance between Paid Social, marketing strategy, content and CRO. Everything needs to work together in a carefully measured balance between commercial effectiveness and brand building.

We take it personally

In addition to our technical expertise and creativity, we are known for our personal approach and ability to listen to our customers' needs. We believe that good communication is the key to successful collaboration and therefore work hard to maintain an open and transparent dialogue with our customers.

Specialization is key

When you choose to work with us, you immerse yourself in the talent you see. With us, you'll avoid newly qualified 'specialists' and instead work with experienced experts who bring in-depth knowledge and expertise to the table.

Frequently asked question

What is a digital agency?

A great digital agency should dig deep into your business to understand it completely. They examine your website traffic and identify the most effective online marketing platforms to invest in. A crucial part of their strategy is ongoing assessment, ensuring you as a client maintain the perfect balance between your marketing budget and results.

How much does i cost?

As a minimum, our prices start at DKK 10,000 per month. However, the price varies greatly from case to case as our solutions are tailored to our customers' unique needs and goals. The final price depends on a number of factors, including the scope of the project, the specific services included and the expected workload. We adjust our prices to ensure our customers get the best possible value for their investment while maintaining our high standards of quality and service.

What does it mean to be a 360° agency?

Being a 360° agency means being your all-inclusive partner in marketing, communication and digital development. In addition to strategic consulting and campaign development, we also offer expertise in web development and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). From creating an engaging online presence to optimizing conversions on your digital platforms, we provide holistic solutions that cover all aspects of your needs and goals.

Why do you only work with lifestyle brands?

We focus exclusively on fashion, home and lifestyle brands because we believe in delivering expertise that is deeply rooted in a specific sector. By specializing in lifestyle brands, we can offer a unique insight and understanding of this industry. This enables us to tailor our strategies and solutions to meet the specific challenges and needs that these types of businesses face. Our dedication to this sector ensures we can deliver the most effective and relevant results for our customers.

Testimonials from our Clients

5 out of 5 stars

Based on 17+ reviews

Mathias Bjørn


Efter Marius og hans team har overtaget vores SoMe-annoncering, har vi kun haft positive resultater. Der arbejdes enormt proaktivt, og vi føler altid, at vi er opdateret på de seneste trends og initiativer ift. annoncering.Makerz kan klart anbefales herfra 🙂

Patricia plesner

CEO - Ecohotels

Marius var fantastisk at arbejde sammen med – han har ekstremt godt tjek på alt online/digital marketing og leverede udover det forventede! Det “ekstra touch” gør det umuligt ikke at give ham/teamet mine varmeste anbefalinger.

Bjørn Enevoldsen


Super god kvalitet på håndteringen af vores case. Tusind tak til Marius!

Michael Aoun

Founder of HVISK

"Professionelt agency, kan virkelig godt anbefale et samarbejde med dem"

Malthe Bütnner

Ild bordet.dk

Stor anbefaling fra Ildbordet.dkVi har samarbejdet med Makerz i +4 måneder og de har skabt rigtig gode resultater. Især på email marketing og de har været super skarpe til at komme med gode idéer og har hjulpet med at generere ekstra omsætning.Vi fortsætter med at benytte Makerz

Nina Zurita Krone


"Makerz er - og har været -en uvurderlig scale-up-hjælp for mig og mit firma. Marius er pro-aktiv, ekstremt kompetent og på forkant med alt hvad der er vigtigt for kunden. Og så er han nede på jorden, og en empatisk sjov fyr. Vil anbefale et partnerskab med Makerz til alle, så du som virksomhedsejer kan fokusere på det der er vigtigt."

Sebastian Schmidt

Lost boys

Helt vanvittig god til det de laver. Har benyttet mig af Marius’ evner et par gange efterhånden nu, og det har kun givet pote. Kæmpe anbefaling herfra!

Frederik Saugmann

Town Estate

Jeg har haft fornøjelsen af at arbejde med Marius og hans team på flere projekter, hvor han hjælper mine kunder. Det fungerer bare. Der er styr på tingene og han ved også hvordan han skal udfordre kunderne.Bundlinjen stiger og kunderne får i det hele taget mere ud af deres annoncekroner!Derudover er Marius er yderst kompetent og sætter sig grundigt ind i kundens forretning.

Get in touch with our Team of Specialists

Ready to elevate your business to new heights? Reach out to us via phone, email, or simply fill out the form below for a discussion about your potential pathways to success.

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a growth adventure?

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